Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Yesterday was a low-key 4th for us. Brian's brother Mike came over to hang out and have dinner. Rebecca, as per usual, followed him around and every time he'd move out of her view she'd yelp "MIKE!"

Mom and dad are chopped liver when he's around :)

We decided to be brave (or stupid, depending on how it turns out) to try to take Rebecca to the 4th of July fireworks downtown.

The show started off with a new addition this year with the Blue Angels doing a few flyovers. They did a dusk "after-burner display". I'm not entirely sure what that means in real life but in my mind it means "Extremely loud planes flying low with flames showing against the night sky".

I should probably mention now that I HATE loud noises so the planes are not my favorite thing, cool though it may be.

Rebecca thought they were so cool! (and so Mike and Brian, but I didn't say that) After she got past the very loud noises she was digging it. She would point at them in the sky, grin, and say "Plane! Airplane!"

We found a great seat right on the beach to watch the fireworks. We were amazed that there were so many open spots right there to sit considering it's crazy busy during Cherry Festival. As soon as the first firework went off we realized why. Yeah..... we were sitting right near a huge tree and the fireworks were shot off directly behind said tree. Dang. We did a mad dash to find a different open spot to sit where we could actually SEE the fireworks. Novel concept.

Thankfully it wasn't too difficult. It only took a moment to find a seat right behind where they were shot off.

Rebecca loved the fireworks but not nearly as much as she loved staring at the bunch of balloons inexplicably tied to a tree behind us.

Considering we were up and in town until 11:30 we expected her to crash out when we got in the car. On the contrary, she was wide awake the whole evening/night and sang to us as we were driving home. She did great and she had so much fun!