Thursday, March 11, 2010

This morning Rebecca was singing to her self, then turned to me and said "Mama listen to my song!"

To the tune of Micky Mouse (you know, M-I-C-K-E-Y etc etc)

Em-i-ly, Q-R-I, M-O-U-I-P

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Madeline started waving about a week ago. Kind of. Sort of. She gets the concept of waiving, but her hand sort of twitches down at her side and her fingers wiggle about a quarter-centimeter. LOL

We had her at the doctor this week for her first illness (:( ) since she started coughing and having some wheezing. Just as I'd expected the doctor diagnosed her with RSV and Bronchiolitis. He explained that the majority of children with a cold have RSV, they're just not all diagnosed with it unless they come in with wheezing. It apparently isn't that big a deal until they start having major breathing problems. He gave me the scary signs to watch for and in trying to ease my mind explained that "most children get through this fine, you just might need to hospitalize them and give them oxygen sometimes". WHAT?!
Thankfully it doesn't look like we're anywhere near that. She's had this for 3-5 days and she's already starting to sound better. She's in great spirits. Half the time you'd never even know she's sick, she's all smiles and giggles.

Rebecca & Madeline's first "argument"

This morning Madeline was laying in our bed and Rebecca climbed in with her. Rebecca was talking to her when Madeline started saying "noooooo. Nooooooo" (I'm sure it's just babbling, but it sounds like a really emphatic Nooooooo)Rebecca chimed in.
It went like this:

Rebecca: Hi Maddie! You can play with my penguin if you want to
Madelie: Noooooo
Rebecca: Yessss
Madeline: Noooo
Rebecca: YES!
Madeline: Nooooooo
Rebecca: YES! :huff:
Madeline: Giggle. Noooooo. Giggle.

LOL. I was dying.