We geared up, slathered with about 45 cans of spray sunscreen (we're white as white can be, so in the sun we turn to solid red) and traipsed down to the sand. Right away Rebecca started pointing out the things she saw. "Ball!" (a buoy) "Rocks! (the sand) "Boat!" (a boat, obvs). We held her close and slowly walked into the water. Since it wasn't very deep I kept kneeling down so that her feet would get a little splashed to get her used to the water. She clutched onto my shoulders with a look of abject fear. Then gradually, as we splashed her feet, she started to grin.
At least I think she was grinning. It was hard to tell under the hat and sunglasses.
After a little playing in the water we took her up to the sand with her bucket and shovel and taught her how to build, and thus knock down, sand castles.
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