Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Going to the fair

We have an annoying commercial that plays in the last week of July and 1st week of August around here with a farmer-style man singing "Going to the fair! Going to the fair! Going to the Northwest Michigan fair!" in an annoying fake twang. Which is dumb, since we live in MICHIGAN. We have no twang.

But, I digress already- We took Rebecca to said fair!
We tried to go on Saturday evening, got all the way into the fairgrounds to park before we realized "Hey. The fair isn't here yet". It didn't open (partially) until Sunday. Whoops!

Take two- after a fun/tiring boat trip Sunday morning with on my brother-in-law's boat (MIKE! as Becca says) we took Rebecca to the fair. Again. This time they were even open!

The only things that were really open were the food stands and the animal portion (also known as the entire reason we went to the fair: animals for Becca. Carnie food for me. Don't judge)

She LOVED it! We took her through the cow stalls no less than 3 times. Each time we'd hit up a new animal she'd make the appropriate animal noise.

Strangely enough, her favorite of all the animals was the rabbits. She kept yelping "HOP! HOP!" at them as we walked past the cages.
She was so excited when we finally found a rabbit that actually would hop in 85 degree heat!

After we sweltered in the animal stink for a while we hit up the french fries stand (Mmm Gibby's fries. Best. Food. Ever.) then headed for home.

We're considering taking her back again sometime this week before the fair closes down for the year and hopefully this time we'll remember where our camera is so that we can take photos.