Very scary :(
Last night we ended up taking Rebecca to the Emergency room. She woke up from a nap with a big swollen lip and cheek. It looked a little bit like she'd had a stroke at first.
I called the nurse on call at our pediatrician's office and went through her symptoms. I was told that I needed to get her to ER immediately, have one of us sit in the back seat with her, cell phone in hand, ready to call an ambulance to meet us if she stopped breathing, started drooling, or started having trouble swallowing.
We got to ER and they got her right in.
On a brief side note, I'm so impressed with the ER staff from last night. They were quick, efficient, helpful, and very friendly. The opposite of what is usually expected from ER.
The doctor determined that it looks as if, during her nap, Rebecca bit her lip with two of her brand new teeth hard enough for it to swell up like crazy.
Apparently she had the classic symptoms of an allergic reaction so it's good that we got her in so quickly. Thank God it was something so simple.
We were sent home with orders to give her her first Popsicle. I'll let you know how that goes :)