Monday, April 26, 2010

She did it!

A few weeks ago I was changing a particularly gross toddler diaper when I decided something needed to give. We got cleaned up and then I said "Rebecca, starting tomorrow, we are done with paper diapers. It's your choice, you can use cloth diapers again like Madeline does, or you can start using underpants all the time."
She said "underpants!" I explained that would mean she would need to use the potty every time she had to go. She looked at me for a moment and said "Yeah, I don't want to do that."
A few minutes later I was loading the dishwasher when she walked up and said "Mama? I thought I wasn't ready to use the potty all the time, but I think I am."

So the next morning we got up and packed up her paper diapers and put them away. I bounced around like a mad woman excitedly saying "You're such a big girl! What a big girl!" then reminded her that she needs to let mommy and daddy know when she needs to go potty.

She went the entire day without an accident. She skipped nap that day, she was kind of freaked out about the idea that she might wet the bed, but I wanted to see if she could do it. By nighttime though she didn't even bat an eye about going to bed without a diaper. Never once did she ask for a diaper.

It's been about a month (we started on March 28th) and she's only had a handful of accidents! I'm so proud :)

At one point during the first few days of this Brian and I were doing the excited-parents thing telling her how well she was doing, what a big girl, etc and she gave us this look that I could only describe as "These people? OMG need to chill." complete with a slight eyeroll. Apparently we need to turn it down a bit.