Friday, November 6, 2009

Ladi dadi we like the potty. 'Cause that's how we roll.

Earlier this week the universe decided to sucker punch me, Mommy-style. 2 big milestones for my girls in one day.

Madeline has been rolling over from tummy to back occasionally for a couple of weeks- she was about 17wks the first time. Then, on Monday night she was playing on the floor with Brian while he was talking to Mike (his brother) on the phone and said "honey, have you seen her? She's all the way rolled onto her side from her back. She's so close!" Then, poof! Over she went! Naturally it was right as I turned my head away. Poop.

Speaking of poop, about 2 minutes later I realized that Rebecca had been sitting in the bathroom for quite a while. I called out "Rebecca, what are you doing?" and I hear "Nnnnn-::grunt grunt:: nnnnothing!"

Then about 30 seconds later, she yelped out "I pooped! I pooped in the potty!"
Yes! for the very first time! Yay! One less human-like turd for me to clean up out of a diaper!

She's been doing a great job using her potty for going pee. It's been a good 2 weeks since she's actually used her diaper in the evenings for going potty. She's been great about just getting up and using her potty on her own when she needs go to. She's been waking up in the mornings pretty much try for a few weeks also. And on the weekends she usually wakes me up by standing as close to my face as possible and leaning to stage whisper "Mommy! I need toilet paper! I went PEE!"

While I'm not in a huge rush to hurry her into potty training (that would require my using public restrooms far too frequently which horrifies me) it's exciting and bittersweet to think about her being through with diapers.

It seems like everything is happening overnight for both of these girls. Just a few weeks ago Madeline was sleeping all the time, eating constantly, then sleeping again. Now she sleeps, eats, plays, and eats more. But she's starting to have that emerging personality that I can't wait to see more of.