A few months ago Rebecca started saying a phrase we couldn't decipher while she was coloring. We'd ask her to repeat it several times and give up because we just couldn't figure it out- a rare occurrence for us when she's talking.
Finally, FINALLY, after weeks, maybe months, of this happening we figured it out!
"Whaddada wonnonna heppa day" = What do you want on your helper day?
Otherwise known as: Daycare's Special Helper Day
Every day one of the kids in daycare is the "special helper". They get to pick what they have for lunch and snack that day. The pick an activity and book before nap time. Apparently, in the 2-5 year old world it is a big HUGE deal! And Rebecca was trying to play "helper day".
Now that we figured out what she was saying and wanting to do, it has become her absolute favorite game to play. She'll ask 'Whatta you want on your helper day?" and we'll answer what we want for lunch. Chicken nuggets and spaghetti are the front runners, just to please her.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Ladi dadi we like the potty. 'Cause that's how we roll.
Earlier this week the universe decided to sucker punch me, Mommy-style. 2 big milestones for my girls in one day.
Madeline has been rolling over from tummy to back occasionally for a couple of weeks- she was about 17wks the first time. Then, on Monday night she was playing on the floor with Brian while he was talking to Mike (his brother) on the phone and said "honey, have you seen her? She's all the way rolled onto her side from her back. She's so close!" Then, poof! Over she went! Naturally it was right as I turned my head away. Poop.
Speaking of poop, about 2 minutes later I realized that Rebecca had been sitting in the bathroom for quite a while. I called out "Rebecca, what are you doing?" and I hear "Nnnnn-::grunt grunt:: nnnnothing!"
Then about 30 seconds later, she yelped out "I pooped! I pooped in the potty!"
Yes! for the very first time! Yay! One less human-like turd for me to clean up out of a diaper!
She's been doing a great job using her potty for going pee. It's been a good 2 weeks since she's actually used her diaper in the evenings for going potty. She's been great about just getting up and using her potty on her own when she needs go to. She's been waking up in the mornings pretty much try for a few weeks also. And on the weekends she usually wakes me up by standing as close to my face as possible and leaning to stage whisper "Mommy! I need toilet paper! I went PEE!"
While I'm not in a huge rush to hurry her into potty training (that would require my using public restrooms far too frequently which horrifies me) it's exciting and bittersweet to think about her being through with diapers.
It seems like everything is happening overnight for both of these girls. Just a few weeks ago Madeline was sleeping all the time, eating constantly, then sleeping again. Now she sleeps, eats, plays, and eats more. But she's starting to have that emerging personality that I can't wait to see more of.
Madeline has been rolling over from tummy to back occasionally for a couple of weeks- she was about 17wks the first time. Then, on Monday night she was playing on the floor with Brian while he was talking to Mike (his brother) on the phone and said "honey, have you seen her? She's all the way rolled onto her side from her back. She's so close!" Then, poof! Over she went! Naturally it was right as I turned my head away. Poop.
Speaking of poop, about 2 minutes later I realized that Rebecca had been sitting in the bathroom for quite a while. I called out "Rebecca, what are you doing?" and I hear "Nnnnn-::grunt grunt:: nnnnothing!"
Then about 30 seconds later, she yelped out "I pooped! I pooped in the potty!"
Yes! for the very first time! Yay! One less human-like turd for me to clean up out of a diaper!
She's been doing a great job using her potty for going pee. It's been a good 2 weeks since she's actually used her diaper in the evenings for going potty. She's been great about just getting up and using her potty on her own when she needs go to. She's been waking up in the mornings pretty much try for a few weeks also. And on the weekends she usually wakes me up by standing as close to my face as possible and leaning to stage whisper "Mommy! I need toilet paper! I went PEE!"
While I'm not in a huge rush to hurry her into potty training (that would require my using public restrooms far too frequently which horrifies me) it's exciting and bittersweet to think about her being through with diapers.
It seems like everything is happening overnight for both of these girls. Just a few weeks ago Madeline was sleeping all the time, eating constantly, then sleeping again. Now she sleeps, eats, plays, and eats more. But she's starting to have that emerging personality that I can't wait to see more of.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Couldn't this wait until you reach the age of 3, at least?
A few days ago Rebecca was laying down for bed and reached up and took my face in her hands. "Mama?" she asked me. "My baby sister Madeline was in your tummy yesterday?" (She's got the concept that yesterday means before this moment, and tomorrow is in the future, but the actual concept of time, not so much)
I explained that Madeline was in my tummy a few months ago, but now she's out and growing up to be a big girl, just like Rebecca. She paused for a moment then said "You just... squished her right out!"
She's remarkably close on that one.
Then last night we were doing the bedtime routine again, and once again she took my face in her hands and said "Mama? How'd Madeline get in your tummy"
Seriously? Could we have the birds and bees talk when you're a bit more mature. Like 3? I paused for a few seconds, trying desperately to think of how I wanted to answer this question. I don't want to lie to her or mislead her, but she obviously doesn't need to know any kind of detail. So I finally settled on "Mommies and Daddies can sometimes make babies and they go in Mommy's tummy". Not exactly what I wanted to say, in hindsight, but it works.
How in the world do you explain this sort of thing to a 2 year old?
I explained that Madeline was in my tummy a few months ago, but now she's out and growing up to be a big girl, just like Rebecca. She paused for a moment then said "You just... squished her right out!"
She's remarkably close on that one.
Then last night we were doing the bedtime routine again, and once again she took my face in her hands and said "Mama? How'd Madeline get in your tummy"
Seriously? Could we have the birds and bees talk when you're a bit more mature. Like 3? I paused for a few seconds, trying desperately to think of how I wanted to answer this question. I don't want to lie to her or mislead her, but she obviously doesn't need to know any kind of detail. So I finally settled on "Mommies and Daddies can sometimes make babies and they go in Mommy's tummy". Not exactly what I wanted to say, in hindsight, but it works.
How in the world do you explain this sort of thing to a 2 year old?
Twinkle, Twinkle
This morning as we were driving in to daycare/work, Rebecca looked out the window and said "Mama? Where's the stars?" It was a pretty cloudy morning so I explained that the stars were there, you just can't see them through the clouds.
We drove on a while, then suddenly Rebecca bursts out "Mama! I found the moon! AND a star!"
She went on to ask me the star's name. When I said I didn't know, she decided he looked like a Freddie. And Freddie was going to sing a song. Twinkle, twinkle little star, just like him.
As we drove on the sun started to come up. She pointed out the sunrise, the pink and orange colors in the sky, then wistfully called "Bye Freddie! See you tonight!"
I love her so.
We drove on a while, then suddenly Rebecca bursts out "Mama! I found the moon! AND a star!"
She went on to ask me the star's name. When I said I didn't know, she decided he looked like a Freddie. And Freddie was going to sing a song. Twinkle, twinkle little star, just like him.
As we drove on the sun started to come up. She pointed out the sunrise, the pink and orange colors in the sky, then wistfully called "Bye Freddie! See you tonight!"
I love her so.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
camel ride
This is Rebecca's camel friend, Sassy.
As she was walking down the steps after her ride, she looked at me solemnly and said "I had a very nice time on the camel, Mom." Naturally this was exactly one second after I had turned off the video camera.
Zoo day!
A few weeks ago we took a mini-vacation down to Grand Rapids for the weekend. We spent most of the time taking the girls to the zoo and we had SO MUCH FUN!
Rebecca loved seeing all of the animals. Madeline loved sleeping in the moby wrap and sling. Brian and I loved hauling crap in the stroller. Ha :)
Penguins- I swear I liked it more than Rebecca did. I'm a dork.

Isn't she just too cool for school?

Rebecca loved seeing all of the animals. Madeline loved sleeping in the moby wrap and sling. Brian and I loved hauling crap in the stroller. Ha :)
Penguins- I swear I liked it more than Rebecca did. I'm a dork.
Isn't she just too cool for school?
Friday, September 4, 2009
Yesterday Rebecca was walking down our front steps as I was getting Madeline into the car. Suddenly, Rebecca was leaning against the car sobbing.
I rushed over to her and surveyed the situation. I didn't notice anything wrong. I ask her what her beef was and she cried back "My leg just almost broke off!"
Ha. I asked her what happened and she said the same thing again. So I asked if she tripped on a step? No. Did she trip on a rock? No. Did she trip at all? No.
All I could deduce was that her leg almost broke off. But why, we'll never know.
I rushed over to her and surveyed the situation. I didn't notice anything wrong. I ask her what her beef was and she cried back "My leg just almost broke off!"
Ha. I asked her what happened and she said the same thing again. So I asked if she tripped on a step? No. Did she trip on a rock? No. Did she trip at all? No.
All I could deduce was that her leg almost broke off. But why, we'll never know.
She's so conscientious
Last weekend Brian and I woke up to hearing Rebecca open her bedroom door (a trick she had learned the day before). She opened the door, looked out and could see that we were still in bed since the house was completely dark, then closed her door. Then a beat passes and we hear a quite voice "I'm ready to get up Mooooooom".
Then, the following day we were up at the cabin when she wanted to play with the "Dora spinner" (A sit and spin that plays Dora sounds. Aka the bane of my cabin existence- that freaking song gets stuck in my head for daaaaays). I was nursing Madeline and Brian was out putting up tree stands, but Becca wanted the spinner out. I told her to go ahead and grab it from the toy area behind the couch. She stared blankly at me for a moment, then asked again for me to get it.
After a moment I realized that she didn't want to go to the toy area since she'd have to go past the wood burning stove, which we've told her before not to touch since it's hot.
After realizing this was the problem I assured her that I was telling her that this time it was ok, the stove wasn't hot, it wasn't on, and she could just grab the Dora spinner and come back to me.
She dropped her head and burst into tears. "I can't Mama! I can't go back there because of the stooooooove".
I'm so glad she listens to us. Sometimes. When she feels like it :)
Then, the following day we were up at the cabin when she wanted to play with the "Dora spinner" (A sit and spin that plays Dora sounds. Aka the bane of my cabin existence- that freaking song gets stuck in my head for daaaaays). I was nursing Madeline and Brian was out putting up tree stands, but Becca wanted the spinner out. I told her to go ahead and grab it from the toy area behind the couch. She stared blankly at me for a moment, then asked again for me to get it.
After a moment I realized that she didn't want to go to the toy area since she'd have to go past the wood burning stove, which we've told her before not to touch since it's hot.
After realizing this was the problem I assured her that I was telling her that this time it was ok, the stove wasn't hot, it wasn't on, and she could just grab the Dora spinner and come back to me.
She dropped her head and burst into tears. "I can't Mama! I can't go back there because of the stooooooove".
I'm so glad she listens to us. Sometimes. When she feels like it :)
Friday, July 24, 2009
See this look?
The look of worry, confusion or concern? That's Madelines standard look. I call it the wrinkly forehead look.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
July 4th
On 4th of July weekend we went up to the cabin to spend some time with Brian's aunt and uncle, visiting from Alaska.
Rebecca adores the cabin, it's one of her favorite places on earth. Uncle Ken taught Rebecca how to play baseball!
At one point he asked if she wanted to throw it instead of hit it and she replied "No, I just want to baseball it" with a slight life of her bat.
Rebecca is a big sister! Madeline Olivia entered the world on Father's day, Sunday June 21 at 3:43am!
Rebecca loves her. She's fantastic with her- gentle and sweet. She loves giving her hus and kisses.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Proof that my child is smarter than me
I have contended for a long time now that Rebecca is smarter than I am. It's ok. I'm good with it. She's brilliant. But does she really have to prove it all the time? Little showoff.
She's recently discovered the wonder that is Dora the Explorer. Unfortunately this also co-incided with Brian discovering that season 1 & 2 of Dora is available on Netflix's Watch Instantly feature. So Saturday mornings, it's All Dora, All the Time. (Ok not all the time. But dude, that little girl that voices Dora screams everything she says. 24 minute episode = 5 years in Laura Time)
Rebecca has been cutting all 4 of her 2 year molars in the last 2 weeks and she's miserable. This morning she woke up screaming in pain, saying "owie owie" (which is possibly one of the more horrific ways you can imagine to wake up a mother). I went into her room, rubbed her back, then rocked her for a bit while she slept- something we haven't done in months and months. I got all nostolgic and misty. She went back to her bed for about 2.4 seconds before the screaming started again. I finally realized she was not about to go back to sleep, so we got up and changed her for the day, then lay on the couch for a little bit and watched Dora.
As she lay there, I continued to get ready for the day. That is, until I was stopped dead in my tracks by hearing my 2 year old repeating words in spanish. Not only repeating them, but using the exactly perfect correct inflection. "Abre!" (which if my Reject memory serves, that means open?) 4 years of spanish in high school and I can't roll my Rs that well. Then later on, she repeated Abuela (Grandma)and when I asked her who Abuela was, she told me "Dora's Gramma". Duuuuuude.
I know that Ben, our daycare provider/Angel from heaven Chris's husband, speaks spanish around the kids, reads them books in spanish, etc. But dang! I'm so impressed!
So I learned 3 things this morning. 1) That my child speaks better spanish than I do 2) Dora, while obnoxious, apparently actually can teach children a little something and 3) I have to figure out how to e-burn this post entry before Rebecca reaches teen years and can use it as ammo against me with "See!? You don't know everything!"
She's recently discovered the wonder that is Dora the Explorer. Unfortunately this also co-incided with Brian discovering that season 1 & 2 of Dora is available on Netflix's Watch Instantly feature. So Saturday mornings, it's All Dora, All the Time. (Ok not all the time. But dude, that little girl that voices Dora screams everything she says. 24 minute episode = 5 years in Laura Time)
Rebecca has been cutting all 4 of her 2 year molars in the last 2 weeks and she's miserable. This morning she woke up screaming in pain, saying "owie owie" (which is possibly one of the more horrific ways you can imagine to wake up a mother). I went into her room, rubbed her back, then rocked her for a bit while she slept- something we haven't done in months and months. I got all nostolgic and misty. She went back to her bed for about 2.4 seconds before the screaming started again. I finally realized she was not about to go back to sleep, so we got up and changed her for the day, then lay on the couch for a little bit and watched Dora.
As she lay there, I continued to get ready for the day. That is, until I was stopped dead in my tracks by hearing my 2 year old repeating words in spanish. Not only repeating them, but using the exactly perfect correct inflection. "Abre!" (which if my Reject memory serves, that means open?) 4 years of spanish in high school and I can't roll my Rs that well. Then later on, she repeated Abuela (Grandma)and when I asked her who Abuela was, she told me "Dora's Gramma". Duuuuuude.
I know that Ben, our daycare provider/Angel from heaven Chris's husband, speaks spanish around the kids, reads them books in spanish, etc. But dang! I'm so impressed!
So I learned 3 things this morning. 1) That my child speaks better spanish than I do 2) Dora, while obnoxious, apparently actually can teach children a little something and 3) I have to figure out how to e-burn this post entry before Rebecca reaches teen years and can use it as ammo against me with "See!? You don't know everything!"
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Such a big girl
Rebecca is very proud to tell you, she's a very big girl. As of a month or so ago Brian turned around her carseat to face forward. We put it off until now because we feel it's safer for her to face rearward as long as she fits. The time has come. She has reached her (crappy) carseat's height limitations for rear-facing.
We made sure to talk it up how she was going to be facing forwards now because she's such a big girl, isn't it exciting!
The first morning I went to put her in her carseat in my van, I opened the van door and she stopped short. She looked at the seat, then at me and goes "What happened here?" LOL. (Now where would she have heard that? dum de dum.....)
I put her in the seat, explaining how Daddy had turned her seat around like we'd talked about.
As I drove into town Rebecca, as usual, sang to herself her made up songs. This time I turned the radio down to get a better listen. I could see her in the rear-view mirror head bopping from side to side to a beat. Then she bust out "La la. La la. I'm facing forward! I'm facingfooooorward". I about drove off the road laughing.
Then, as we were getting closer to town, she suddenly yelped "Mama! I can see your windshield! And it's RAINING! And you have WIPERS on!" It suddenly had occurred to her that she could see what I was seeing!
She's so proud of herself.
She loves showing everyone she can think of her Big Girl carseat and how it faces FORWARD.
Her newest accomplishment relating to the seat: leaning all about stoplights. She loves to point out to me that the light is red right now so I have to stop, but when it turns green it's my turn to go again. And she'll watch for it. As soon as it's green, I'm to GO GO GO! The little backseat driver. (Who, did you hear? faces FORWARD!)
We made sure to talk it up how she was going to be facing forwards now because she's such a big girl, isn't it exciting!
The first morning I went to put her in her carseat in my van, I opened the van door and she stopped short. She looked at the seat, then at me and goes "What happened here?" LOL. (Now where would she have heard that? dum de dum.....)
I put her in the seat, explaining how Daddy had turned her seat around like we'd talked about.
As I drove into town Rebecca, as usual, sang to herself her made up songs. This time I turned the radio down to get a better listen. I could see her in the rear-view mirror head bopping from side to side to a beat. Then she bust out "La la. La la. I'm facing forward! I'm facingfooooorward". I about drove off the road laughing.
Then, as we were getting closer to town, she suddenly yelped "Mama! I can see your windshield! And it's RAINING! And you have WIPERS on!" It suddenly had occurred to her that she could see what I was seeing!
She's so proud of herself.
She loves showing everyone she can think of her Big Girl carseat and how it faces FORWARD.
Her newest accomplishment relating to the seat: leaning all about stoplights. She loves to point out to me that the light is red right now so I have to stop, but when it turns green it's my turn to go again. And she'll watch for it. As soon as it's green, I'm to GO GO GO! The little backseat driver. (Who, did you hear? faces FORWARD!)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Big News
It seems comical that we're just now announcing this on here, but Rebecca is due to be a big sister in approximately 8 weeks.
Baby #2's estimated arrival date is June 13th, meaning Rebecca will be almost exactly 2 1/2 when she becomes a big sister.
We decided not to find out the sex of baby #2, just like we did with Rebecca. Picking out names has been harder this time around, mostly due to me. I keep finding names I love, then telling Brian and he'll agree. We'll have that name as The Name for That Sex for weeks, or in one case, months. Then I suddenly decide it would be a crime to name a child that, yuck how could we, and we're back to square one. I'm pretty sure we won't have names solidified until we actually see and meet him/her.
Rebecca is already is so excited for the baby. Several times a day she, unprompted, gives my belly a big hug and lots of kisses. She strokes my belly and talks to the baby. She tells me "Mama, when the baby comes out, I'm going to look at it". We'll ask her, when she says this, if she's also going to help us hold it, change it, play with it, so on. She'll look very serious for a moment, then say "yes, but I'm going to look at it". I think the suspense is hard for her too :)
Baby #2's estimated arrival date is June 13th, meaning Rebecca will be almost exactly 2 1/2 when she becomes a big sister.
We decided not to find out the sex of baby #2, just like we did with Rebecca. Picking out names has been harder this time around, mostly due to me. I keep finding names I love, then telling Brian and he'll agree. We'll have that name as The Name for That Sex for weeks, or in one case, months. Then I suddenly decide it would be a crime to name a child that, yuck how could we, and we're back to square one. I'm pretty sure we won't have names solidified until we actually see and meet him/her.
Rebecca is already is so excited for the baby. Several times a day she, unprompted, gives my belly a big hug and lots of kisses. She strokes my belly and talks to the baby. She tells me "Mama, when the baby comes out, I'm going to look at it". We'll ask her, when she says this, if she's also going to help us hold it, change it, play with it, so on. She'll look very serious for a moment, then say "yes, but I'm going to look at it". I think the suspense is hard for her too :)
This is me, falling off the face of the earth
Oh yeah, right... Rebecca has a blog. Hey, how about that.
So anyway, it's been a good 4 months since I posted last. Whoops.
I'm here now. It's the thought that counts, right? Good.
We've a few updates that need to be made (obviously, since it's been 4 months)but I think they each deserve their own separate posts.
So anyway, it's been a good 4 months since I posted last. Whoops.
I'm here now. It's the thought that counts, right? Good.
We've a few updates that need to be made (obviously, since it's been 4 months)but I think they each deserve their own separate posts.
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