Disclaimer: This is posted about a week late. Earth Day was last week and I apparently forgot to post this. But I figure the message is the same whether today or next week or next month. So here goes.
To quote a John Denver song (please don't judge me, I like John Denver!) "Celebrate Earth Day every day!"
I like to think that we're a fairly "green" family, what with the cloth diapers, the organic foods, etc etc but today of all days is a good day to stress the importance of the health of our planet. There are so many things we can do that are simple that cut waste and better our environment. It was pointed out to me early in the day that it's not really helpful if everyone takes a "green" approach one day a year. So try, in honor of Earth Day, to find small steps you can make in your own life to reduce your environment impact.
To mis-quote another musical legend, it IS easy to be green! Sorry, Kermit, you had it wrong :)

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