Friday, September 4, 2009

She's so conscientious

Last weekend Brian and I woke up to hearing Rebecca open her bedroom door (a trick she had learned the day before). She opened the door, looked out and could see that we were still in bed since the house was completely dark, then closed her door. Then a beat passes and we hear a quite voice "I'm ready to get up Mooooooom".

Then, the following day we were up at the cabin when she wanted to play with the "Dora spinner" (A sit and spin that plays Dora sounds. Aka the bane of my cabin existence- that freaking song gets stuck in my head for daaaaays). I was nursing Madeline and Brian was out putting up tree stands, but Becca wanted the spinner out. I told her to go ahead and grab it from the toy area behind the couch. She stared blankly at me for a moment, then asked again for me to get it.

After a moment I realized that she didn't want to go to the toy area since she'd have to go past the wood burning stove, which we've told her before not to touch since it's hot.

After realizing this was the problem I assured her that I was telling her that this time it was ok, the stove wasn't hot, it wasn't on, and she could just grab the Dora spinner and come back to me.

She dropped her head and burst into tears. "I can't Mama! I can't go back there because of the stooooooove".

I'm so glad she listens to us. Sometimes. When she feels like it :)