Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A milestone I wasn't excited to reach

Rebecca's first temper tantrum. Ah yes, toddlerhood is here.

Over the weekend (on my birthday no less) we were strolling around the mall killing time before we went to dinner. Rebecca is usually great at staying with us and holding our hands while she walks. This time, she had other ideas. She kept trying to walk on her own, run in front of us, lag behind, etc. Well, if the mall had been nearly empty I might have been more flexible on this, as long as we were right with her, but it was 5:00 on a Friday evening.

Brian and I reminded her "Rebecca, you need to hold our hand when you're walking". After several determined "NO!"s from her, she slowly crouched down, then even slower lay on the floor (ewwww mall floor!), then cocked her head as if thinking "How did this go, again?" and kicked her feet and pounded her hands a couple of times.

She looked up at me to gauge my reaction. I said "Are you done with your fit now Becca?" to which she replied a perky "yep!". She then got up, held both of our hands and walked politely the rest of the way.

I could tell if I was trying to hold back laughter harder or if Brian was.

Little booger.